Upcoming events.

Trans & Non-binary Clothing Swap
Affirming You will be hosting our first-ever Trans & Non-binary clothing swap next month!
This event is for folks looking to explore their gender expression in ways that feel most affirming alongside other gender expansive folks. Bring any clothes that no longer serve you and take home something new!
If you are interested in attending, donating clothes, or volunteering as a stylist or support shopper - register below or send us an email at info@affirmingyoutherapy.com
Event Registration
(623) 695-7980
Phoenix, AZ 85003
The clothing swap will take place 4/30/22 from 11-2pm. We do require registration for the event to help ensure we have enough clothing, space available, appropriate accommodations and to ensure privacy of event. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with the event location and parking information.
You can bring as many gently used items to the event as you would like. Each person will be able to take at least four new items home, and you can attend at any time between 11am and 2pm.
All remaining clothing will be donated to local LGBTQ+ organizations or saved for the next clothing swap event. If you or someone you know is in need of clothing or if you have a suggestion of where to donate clothing after the event, please email info@affirmingyoutherapy.com.
Yes! We appreciate donations dropped off ahead of time to ensure that there is enough clothing during the event.
To schedule a donation drop off, please email info@affirmingyoutherapy.com
We appreciate any local businesses who are able to sent up donation drop off boxes to ensure the privacy of our clients. If you are a business that is able to host a drop off box, please email us at Info@affirmingyoutherapy.com
Absolutely! If you are just looking to do some spring cleaning in your closet, we would be happy to take them for the event! Email info@affirmingyoutherapy.com to arrange a drop off.
Volunteering Options Include
1. Set up - Ironing, hanging, organizing
2. Support shoppers - Collecting items people bring the day of the event, directing people where to go and navigating the dressing rooms.
3. Stylists - Picking out new clothes can feel overwhelming! Especially when you haven’t had the chance to explore styles or clothing that feel most affirming.
It can feel helpful to have support from other queer and gender expansive peers who enjoy helping folks express themselves and find clothing that feels most comfortable. This is a great job for folks who are already comfortable in their gender expression, enjoy styling outfits, or enjoy sharing the tips they have learned themselves throughout their own gender expression journeys!
To volunteer please register for the event at ayoutherapy.com/events and indicate that you are interested in volunteering. Once we receive your request, we will schedule a meeting with you to discuss event details and explore what volunteer options you are most interested in.
The event in located in Downtown Phoenix! To ensure the privacy of those attending the event, please register at ayoutherapy.com/events for event location and details.
Our current event location is upstairs and is not accessible to all. We are able to make accommodations upon request to ensure that each person who would like to attend is able to do so. Indicating your support needs on your registration form, will allow us to ensure that the event and any future events are accessible to those who would like to attend!